Although current technology does not allow cell phones to make transparent, the idea inspired several designers and their concepts deserve attention. Among these concepts appears transparent Window Mobile Phone.
Window Phone (nothing to do with the Windows OS for smartphones) is a conceptual phone that looks simply a transparent window with its screen size and thin enough. Phone window was designed by designer Seunghan Song. All text is glass. Without physical button, it is 100% touch. Sunny, soaked by rain or even frosted in winter, this phone fear bear any climatic condition. Phone window provides a unique way of writing. By blowing the mist on the phone, we can write by hand by tracing with a finger.
Although the screens seem to be transparent to the agenda, we are still far from being able to create relatively small circuits that can be contained in the non-transparent cell. A concept to review a handful of years or more.
Window Phone (nothing to do with the Windows OS for smartphones) is a conceptual phone that looks simply a transparent window with its screen size and thin enough. Phone window was designed by designer Seunghan Song. All text is glass. Without physical button, it is 100% touch. Sunny, soaked by rain or even frosted in winter, this phone fear bear any climatic condition. Phone window provides a unique way of writing. By blowing the mist on the phone, we can write by hand by tracing with a finger.
Although the screens seem to be transparent to the agenda, we are still far from being able to create relatively small circuits that can be contained in the non-transparent cell. A concept to review a handful of years or more.
So what ? Ok, it's absolutely impossible to make. But, I love it.
amazing concept, but for now, i don't see a practical application of a transparent phone.
RépondreSupprimerthis is to advanced for our times XD
RépondreSupprimercool concept
RépondreSupprimerIt would snap easily and break, wouldn't it?
RépondreSupprimerwouw nice
RépondreSupprimerCool concept, but would be very tedious to call someone.
RépondreSupprimerwant to have one of these oO
RépondreSupprimersaw that one a couple of months ago, still a very good concept.
RépondreSupprimerIt look really nice, but i woul dbe afraid to carry it around, seems so fragile when its seen through
RépondreSupprimerwhoa very unique
RépondreSupprimerInteresting picture. I like it!
RépondreSupprimerThis is great!
RépondreSupprimerThis phone will be the future :D
RépondreSupprimerIf it existed, I'd get it in a heartbeat ;D
RépondreSupprimernow that would be a phone you wouldn't want to drop :-P
RépondreSupprimerWow dont wanna drop that!
RépondreSupprimerWhat if we somehow made circuit boards that were see-through?
RépondreSupprimerThis concept does not speak to me so much as some you have posted earlier, keep them coming.
RépondreSupprimerlove those concept designs.
RépondreSupprimerYour work on this blog is great! keep it up!
RépondreSupprimerMaybe it could be done with "cloud" computing, of course some part of the phone would still need to have circuits.
RépondreSupprimeryeah, never heard of it. maybe ill check it out..good article.
RépondreSupprimeroh no please don't do this...